Bachelor degree

Bacehlor- General information


The standard number of years for completing a bachelor's degree is 3 years. At the end of these three years, a student is required to have accrued 300% to be eligible for a degree.

However, some academic programs deviate from this rule:

Academic program Minimum Required for Degree(%) Standard No. of Years for Degree
Nursing 400 4
Engineering 400 4
Pharmacology 370 3.5
Law 350 3.5
Accounting 300
From 20/21: 350
Occupational therapy 350
In the 4th year:
Up to 24 credit points 50% charge
Beyond that the charge is by hours
Law combined track

From 20/21: 412

Law and Accounting From 23/24: 438  
Social-work combined track 400
From 20/21: 375
Law and social-work Charge by hours and no less than
Pharmacy Retraining Program 270 3
Nursing for EMT 400* 3
Nursing for paramedics 330 3
Law and preparation for MBA (including completing the MA program*) 580 5
ATIDIM  400 3
ATIDIM Program for Public Administration 400 3
Law - LL.B. Economics and Philosophy Until 2020/21: 487 4.5
Double degree in Law with Economics or Philosophy From 2021/2022 charge by hours and no less than 412% 3.5
Nursing Retraining (622) 340 4
For 2021/22 beginners
Philosophy, Economics, Political Science and AMIRIM Charge by hours but not less than 375% 4

* Kaplan paramedic route 619-5619 The breakdown of the charges is:
Until 2017 - First and 2nd year 100% (for each year). 3rd year - 200%
Starting from 2023/24 - 1st year 100% , 2nd and 3rd year 150% for each year.
** For nursing retraining (622) the tuition fee is: first year 43%, second year 127%, third year 128%, fourth year 42%

*When transferring to the master's program tuition will be calculated accordingly.

*Some specialized tracks may be unrepresented in this table.


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