Charges for students starting in the first semester

Charges for students starting in the first semester

*These dates are not final and may change depending on the final beginning date of academic year

 Cancelation date Payment before registration for courses  Payment after registration for courses
 Until Aug. 15, 2024 No charge               ------------
 From Aug. 16, 2024 until Sep. 15, 2024  1905 NIS  1905 NIS
 From Sep 16, 2024 until Nov. 12, 2024 - two weeks after the beginning date of the academic year *  3811 NIS  3811 NIS
but no more then personal tuition
 From Nov. 13, 2024 until April 8, 2025 - two weeks after the beginning date of the second semester *  3811 NIS  Tuition for the student’s first semester courses +   half the annual hours + additional payments, but no more then personal tuition
From April 9, 2025 until the end of the academic year *  3811 NIS  Tuition for the student’s first semester and  second-semester courses + additional payments


Despite the above:

After Aug 15, 2024 a new student who notifies of studies cancellation up to 14 days from the date of the advanced payment will be charged a treatment fee of 350 NIS only.
A new student not for a bachelor's degree who has not paid the advanced payment and announced cancellation of studies up to 14 days from the date of submitting a study form (courses registration), will be charged a treatment fee of 350 NIS. After 14 days the charge will be according to the tuition rules listed in the table above.

A student who cancels his/her studies and also studied English as a foreign language and / or Hebrew, will be charged the full semester tuition fee for English / Hebrew studies, in addition to the charge determined for studies cancellation.

A student whose studies have been discontinued for academic reasons will be required to pay tuition in proportion to the period in which he/her studied, ie will be charged for the courses in which he/her was enrolled and which were taken up to the date of the decision to discontinue his/her studies.


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