Information Blockage

Information Blockage

Information blocks will be activated in the following situations:

• A student did not paid the relative payment required for that month (according to the payments plan detailed in this link)
• A standing order was not honored by the Bank and there is a debt after August
• There is a debt to the library
• There is a rent debt in the dormitories
• There is a debt in paying rent to student dormitories
• There is a debt in the payroll system in the Human Resources Division

Please note: once the block has been activated, the student will not be able to receive information about his / her grades in the exams, will not be able to receive study confirmation and will not be able to update a curriculum or make changes in the study form.

The blockage will be activated 10 days after an SMS alert which will be sent to the student's mobile phone or on the personal information site.

Students with a debt higher than NIS 1500 will not be able to enter a curriculum for 2020/2021 academic year.

The university may prevent a student from using the university facilities, including the library and dormitories, prevent participation in an exam and to receive gardes.

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