1 Hebrew University Student
1.1 Definition
To be considered a Hebrew University student, one must fulfill the following conditions:
1.1.1 Was accepted to the University in accordance with the admission requirements detailed in “Information for Applicants” (madrich la’nirsham) and paid the deposit.
1.1.2 Submitted a course-work schedule according to its standard regulations (see chapter 4, “Registration”).
1.2 Scope
Anyone classified as a student in a given academic year who has not formally terminated his or her studies will be considered a student until the beginning of the following academic year.
1.3 Student ID
A student who has fulfilled the conditions in section 1.1 will receive a student ID. This card entitles students to borrow books from the library and to make use of the various services which are provided for students at the University.
1.4 Tuition
The regulations pertaining to tuition and other payments are detailed on the Office of Student Affairs’ website
1.4.1 Payment requirements: Students must arrange to pay tuition to the University in full and on time.
1.4.2 The electronic system will block information of students with unpaid tuition and will not allow them to access grade records and/or issue certificates. Additional information can be found on Office of Student Affairs’ website
1.5 Enrolled student
Anyone who is a student according to the definition in section 1.1 is considered an enrolled student.
1.6 Supplementary Ph.D. students
Students (usually those with a non-research track Master's degree) who wish to pursue a doctoral degree must, towards this goal, fulfill the requirements set by the authorized body within the faculty.
1.6.1 “Supplementary Ph.D. students” who successfully fulfill the requirements of the faculty may apply for the doctoral degree program and 9 their application will be considered by the Authority for Research Students (“rashut le’talmidei mechkar”).
1.7 Preparatory studies for Master’s degree
1.7.1 Students with a Bachelor’s degree who do not meet the admission criteria for a Master’s degree because of an insufficient grade point average (but are within five points of the required average) may apply for admission to preparatory studies for the Master’s degree. If accepted, they will be required to take Bachelor’s level courses whose extent and required grades will be determined by the faculty.
1.7.2 Students applying for a Master’s degree who have a Bachelor’s degree in a different field may be accepted for preparatory studies and will be required to complete a different extent of studies as determined by the faculty. The faculty may allow such students to begin to take up to 12 credits per year of Master’s level courses in addition to the preparatory studies. If they complete the studies successfully and are accepted to the Master’s degree program, these courses will be counted towards their degree.
1.8 Special students not studying for a degree
These are students who were accepted to the University for a non-degree granting program. These students will take courses in the regular study programs.
1.8.1 In order to be accepted as special students they must meet the criteria for this type of student set by the faculty.
1.8.2 Students will be accepted as special students for one year.
1.8.3 Students are entitled to request authorization from the Faculty Teaching Committee to continue studying beyond one year.
1.8.4 Students are entitled to ask the Faculty Teaching Committee for permission to transfer to a degree program. The committee will decide which and whether courses studied as a special student will be recognized as part of their degree.
1.9 Conditional acceptance of Bachelor’s degree students
1.9.1 Candidates who were accepted conditionally until completion of outstanding matters.
1.9.2 The obligations and rights of such students are identical to those of enrolled students.
1.10 Belonging to a specific faculty and transferring from one faculty to another
1.10.1 The faculty is the organizational framework in which the teaching programs of allied disciplines take place. It is responsible for academic and administrative issues common to its teaching pr ograms. The faculty determines academic procedures, which are additional to the general University wide regulations. It deals with academic and administrative issues regarding students during the period of their studies, such as curricular deviations, spec ial dates for exams, outstanding students, and it is the faculty which grants degree certificates upon completion of studies.
1.10.2 As a rule, students “belong” to the faculty responsible for the teaching program in which they study. 1.10.3 Students who are studying fo r a degree in two teaching programs which are in different faculties should choose to belong to one of the faculties. Students are entitled to switch the faculty of their choice once during the course of their studies, but not later than the time of regist for their thirdyear degree courses. ration Students in particular teaching programs (Law, Medicine, Dentistry and Social Work) must belong to their faculty even if they are studying in an additional teaching program in a different faculty.
1.11 Students participating in a student exchange program
Students taking part in a student exchange program while studying for a degree or immediately after completing their Bachelor’s or Master’s studies. See Appendix A
1.12 for procedures for participation in student e xchange programs.
Students eligible for special accommodations Enrolled students may be entitled to special accommodations for personal circumstances which may be permanent or temporary. The accommodations for which students are eligible are not cumulati ve, and students will be granted the accommodations that provide them with the most entitlements in every area. For example, additional time for exams will be the longest period from among the accommodations authorized for the student for various reasons.
1.12.1 Special accommodations for lack of fluency in Hebrew Students who are not fluent in Hebrew and wish to be granted accommodations based on the circumstances set out in Appendix B should complete a declaration in the “personal information” web page during their first two months of study at the University. (For accommodations in exams see section 7.6.1 and Appendix B. )
1.12.2 Accommodations for learning disabilities Students requesting accommodations for learning disabilities should submit an appli cation together with an evaluation report via the teaching secretariat of their primary faculty. These will be referred to the Unit for Evaluation and Support of Students with Learning Disabilities at the University (hereafter “the Unit”). Students should make these applications during the first month of their studies at the Hebrew University, or within a month of the date of the evaluation, whichever is later. 10Procedures for accommodations for learning disabilities are detailed in section 7.6.2 and Appendi x C .
1.12.3 Accommodations for young parents Female students who are pregnant, or following a miscarriage, and male and female students after the birth of a baby, adoption or having custody of or fostering a child, or receiving fertility treatment, an d who wish to be granted accommodations should apply to the coordinator for Gender and Parenting in the Office of the Dean of Students. See referral procedures and additional information in Appendix D http://studean.huji.ac.il/?cmd=ease.110 and
1.12.4 Accommodations for students on reserve duty Students who are absent during military reserve duty may submit a request for accommodations to the coordinator for Students on Reserve Duty, in the Office of the Dean of Students. Detailed guidelines for making the request, rights of those eligible and duties of the accommodations coordinator can be found in Appendix E http://studean.huji.ac.il/?cmd =miluim.78
1.12.5 Accommodations for visual impairment/blindness and Students requesting accommodations for visual impairment/blindness should submit an application to the welfare coordinator of the Learning Center for the Blind in the Office of the Dean Appendix H of Students. The accommodations procedures for visual impairment/blindness can be found in . 1