1.10 Belonging to a specific faculty and transferring from one faculty to another

1.10 Belonging to a specific faculty and transferring from one faculty to another

1.10.1 The faculty is the organizational framework in which the teaching programs of allied disciplines take place. It is responsible for academic and administrative issues common to its teaching pr ograms. The faculty determines academic procedures, which are additional to the general University wide regulations. It deals with academic and administrative issues regarding students during the period of their studies, such as curricular deviations, spec ial dates for exams, outstanding students, and it is the faculty which grants degree certificates upon completion of studies.

1.10.2 As a rule, students “belong” to the faculty responsible for the teaching program in which they study. 1.10.3 Students who are studying fo r a degree in two teaching programs which are in different faculties should choose to belong to one of the faculties. Students are entitled to switch the faculty of their choice once during the course of their studies, but not later than the time of regist for their thirdyear degree courses. ration Students in particular teaching programs (Law, Medicine, Dentistry and Social Work) must belong to their faculty even if they are studying in an additional teaching program in a different faculty.