6.4 Required English language studies in the framework of Bachelor’s studies

6.4 Required English language studies in the framework of Bachelor’s studies

A prerequisite for entitlement to a Bachelor’s degree is successful completion of an elective course with a scope of at least 2 credits (or two courses with a scope of at least 1 credit), taken at the University in English. In this regard a course to complete the requirement to attain an exemption level in the English language will not be counted. In 20a combined or dual teaching program study program this requirement can be met by fulfilling it in one of the teaching programs. The faculty will determine the language of the exam booklet/work instruction form as well as the language in which students will answer the questio ns/write the work, and in certain cases grant an exemption from this requirement (e.g., participation in a student exchange program). In any case, the Faculty Teaching Committee may set more stringent rules on the subject. This provision will apply to stud ents who began their Bachelor’s degree studies in the academic year 2018/19 and thereafter.