6.1 Hebrew language

6.1 Hebrew language
Proficiency in Hebrew is a prerequisite for all students at the Hebrew University. (But see exemptions listed later in this section.) Foreign students and students with a non-Israeli matriculation certificate must demonstrate sufficient Hebrew language proficiency to be accepted as students. If they have a good knowledge of Hebrew they will be exempted from Hebrew language courses. If not, they will be required to study Hebrew during the first year of their studies in order to receive an exemption. Students who have successfully completed the “Jerusalem Exam” abroad will be exempt from further Hebrew courses. Also exempt are students enrolled in programs classified as "English programs" and students whose Bachelor’s degree studies were in languages other than Hebrew and who are now enrolled in Master’s degree programs which may be completed in English. 

6.1.1     Bachelor’s degree students will not be accepted to their second year of studies before completing an “exemption exam” in Hebrew with a grade of 75 (Law students – 85) or higher. This does not apply to students who have successfully completed level 5 in Hebrew. . These students must achieve Exemption level during the first semester of their second year . If they do not achieve a grade of 75 or higher, they will not be permitted to take any courses other than Hebrew in the second semester.  Procedures for Hebrew language studies and rules for receiving exemption are detailed in Appendix F.