General and contact Information


There are several ways to contact the Department for general tuition inquiries:

Personal information site: contains information about charges / credits, tuition calculation and payments options - contact form
Call center: Tel. 02-5882888, Sundays-Thursdays, between 08:30-16:30
Our Address: 
The Department of tuition fees and Student Payments - Goldschmidt Building - Mount Scopus, Jerusalem - 9190500.
A student who is interested in a frontal meeting, needs to submit a request via contact us in the personal information site and we will return to him/her to schedule an appointment.

For students who are studying at the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Food, Agriculture and Environment. Tel: 08-9489190

There is no telephone service on the holidays eves, during Passover and Sukkot.
Teaching Policy and Procedures are detailed in this link, for further inquiries you can contact the faculty secretariat.