Contact us about:
Inquiries regarding registration and admission
Call center
The call center provides a humane, courteous and professional response to the entire university student population, on all matters related to admission, tuition, payments and grades.
Tel: 02-5882888
Sunday till Thursday between 8:30-16:30
Public Reception
Department of Tuition Fees and Payments / Department of Registration and Admission
Loaction: Goldschmidt Building, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem 9190500.
A student who is interested in a frontal meeting, needs to submit a request by entering the personal information site, click on "adminsitrative requests" - "students Inquiries" and we will return to him/her to schedule an appointment.
There will be no public reception and telephone service on holiday evenings, during the Passover and Sukkot holidays and during the summer vacation.